You’ve been called out of the grave.
You’ve been commanded to come forth and live.
For dry bones to awaken,
for new breath to fill you.
He has called you by name
and set a new life before you.
“Come out!” He calls.
Come out and see His Light.
Step out into His glory.
Let your grave comes come undone.
Let them fall away, each and every strip.
Don’t let them cling to you anymore,
you have been called out into life.
Death no longer has a grip on you.
With each step you walk farther away from the grave.
Let the things that have bound you drop
off now—don’t let them cling to you anymore.
Be unbound from fear,
from pain,
from heartache,
from brokenness,
from sickness,
from struggle,
Let them fall away at your feet.
You have stepped out into a new life,
and now you are ready to be fully alive.
Take off your grave clothes and go…live!