Lord, start with me.
Change me.
Change my heart.
Give me more compassion.
Help me to pour out the kind of grace I would want.
Let me be the first to apologize
Let me choose to speak life not death.
Start with me, within my own home.
Let me re-examine my own attitude before my kids or my husbands.
Let me be the first to say when I made a mistake.
Change me first, Lord.
Start with me within my community.
Let me be set apart.
Change me so I speak up for righteousness
and walk in a walk that honors you.
Let me live in a way that represents your kingdom.
Change me first, Lord.
Start with me within the church.
Let me be a full time Christian not a
part time one.
Let me not just read Your
Word but be changed by it.
Let me spend more time in
prayer than worrying.
Let me ask for revival first within
my own life.
Change me first, Lord.
Start with me, and then help
me to guide others to do the same.
If we can all start within ourselves
then we can do a better job of
bringing Your message to the world.
Change our hearts to look like you,
help us to remove the plank out of our own
eye before noticing the speck in others.
Change us first Lord,
would you please change our hearts?
Psalm 51:10
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.