Lord,” Martha said to Jesus, “if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” John 11:21
I imagine Martha and Mary thinking…Lord where were you?
Lord if only you came when he was sick. Lord, if only you had come sooner this would not have happened.
Lord, if you only you stopped this from happening I wouldn’t have this pain.
Lord, if only you had been here then I wouldn’t have this mess—this problem.
Lord, if only…How often do we question why do things happen the way they do in our lives?ccJesus showed up after Lazarus died, he didn’t prevent his death. He could have came sooner and healed his friend before he died. He could have shown off His authority and power through healing a sick man.But instead he did something far greater. He waited until Lazarus was dead in the tomb for four days, until it looked like all hope was lost. Even his friends doubted He could do anything—they told Him not to move the stone that it had been too long—that it was too late.
And then He did something extraordinary, he raised His friend from the dead.He gave a glimpse to what His own future held. He showed that He could make dry bones live again. He showed that all of the authority in heaven belonged to Him. Friend, He does not always show up when we want and how we want. But he will do something through our pain and He will bring God glory.
He will comfort the mourning.
He will show compassion.
He will weep with us.
And He will bring life from death.
We must trust in His timing and in His plan.When thoughts of Lord, if only—come into our minds…Remember that if we believe, we will see the glory of God but in the way He chooses to do it.