When hope seems lost. The darkness is heavy. Things are not going as planned. You don’t know if you can keep going on… but then Jesus shows up and...the darkness starts to fade. The stone is moved. Mourning becomes rejoicing. Death becomes life. Our God is a God who...
Lord, if only….
Lord," Martha said to Jesus, "if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” John 11:21 I imagine Martha and Mary thinking…Lord where were you? Lord if only you came when he was sick. Lord, if only you had come sooner this would not have happened. Lord, if you...
My children are my audience.
My daughters are my audience. Two sets of beautiful eyes, up close and personal—the best seats in the house to watch my faith lived out. They are watching this journey of faith play out on stage, the different episodes and seasons unfolding before them. They see when...
Psalm 91 prayer
Say this: “God, you’re my refuge. I trust you in and I am safe.” When you are scared remember you are safe under His care. He shields you. His outstretched arms protect you. He fends off the wicked. He protects you from disease. He keeps you untouched from harm. A...
Running your race for God.
You are running a race... Sometimes you are sprinting. Sometimes you are jogging. Sometimes you are running up a mountain and sometimes down into a deep valley. Sometimes the terrain is smooth and sometimes it is rough and jagged. Sometimes the sun is shining down...
I count it all joy.
I will count it joy when things are not going my way. I will count it joy when prayers are not answered. I will count it joy when I am in the midst of a battle. I will count it all joy, not because of the circumstance but because of the change it brings with it. I...
Renewed Day by Day
Outwardly we are all getting older. Each of us ever changing. Wrinkles formed. Skin less smooth. Less spring in our steps. Youthful beauty disappearing. With each year we see ourselves in the mirror and notice some subtle and not so subtle changes.Life wears on us. No...
Seeking a Savior
There will be days where we will find Jesus and we will sit at His feet and weep. We will be filled with sorrow for the things we have done. We will desperately be seeking His forgiveness. We will wash his feet with our tears, we bring every part of ourselves. We will...
Finding Him in the struggle
I have some things on my mind. Sometimes life seems so unfair and confusing. Why God, why? I cry out.I see people suffering, I see pain and brokenness in myself and in others. I see problems that are not going away. In these moments it would be easy to flounder. It...
Why are you so afraid, dear one?
Why are you so afraid, dear one? The storms are raging around you.. BUT He keeps you anchored through His word. The powerful winds are tossing your heart about.. BUT He calms the winds with one word. The waves are threatening to take you under... BUT He will rescue...