My daughter was curled up on me, her head resting gently on my shoulder and she was just about to go to sleep. I kissed her head when her little voice said, “Hey mom, what’s your most favorite thing to do?
She paused a minute…Well, I mean what is your favorite thing to do after worshipping God?”
Those little words from her hit my heart with such power, it felt like it was going to burst. This sweet precious little girl of mine realized that Jesus was my favorite. She knew that worshipping Him was at the top of my list.
Most nights I go to bed thinking of all the ways I had messed. But that night I went to sleep with a smile knowing my sweet girl understood that God comes before all else. These sweet babies realize so much more than we know.
It gave me such hope that one day worshipping God will also be her most favorite thing to do.
“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”
Matthew 6:33