His love.
There is nothing like it.
His love will seek you out and find you.
And once it finds you, it will never let go.
His love is everlasting,
from your first breath, to your last and beyond.
His love is enduring.
There is no comparing to it.
His love will welcome you as you are
but will also make something new out of you.
His love will pick you up and place you
on solid ground,
and overflow your mind with peace.
His love becomes your dwelling, your secret place and your safety zone.
His love is ageless,
and forgiving
His love is gentle and compassionate
but also strong and righteous.
His love will lift you up when you are weak
and let you fall into His arms when
you can’t stand.
It will breathe strength into you
like you’ve never seen before.
His love is merciful,
and all encompassing.
His love will fill the places of your
heart that are broken.
It will hold you together.
it will give you the worth that you have
always been searching for.
His love will shelter you,
and sing over you.
His love will fill you with joy.
His love is underserved
and an incomparable gift.
His loves brings life, change and redemption .
His love is the fiercest
force in all of creation.
His love will cover you in righteousness
and make you Holy.
It will allow you to one day stand
before God, pure and clean.
His love will leave you speechless.
He is love.