If I love you well, I pray you see Him not me because He is the source of all love.
If I offer you grace when you hurt me, I pray you see Him not me because of the grace He has given me, I have more to offer.
If I offer you encouragement and support that lifts your spirit, I pray you see Him and not me because He is the greatest comforter of all.
If I ever make you feel strong…like you could accomplish anything, I pray you see Him and not me because He makes us more than conquerers.
If I offer forgiveness when it is difficult, I pray you see Him and not me because of the forgiveness He has shown me I am called to forgive others.
If you see me combating fear and doubt, I pray you see Him and not me because all darkness bows to Him.
If I ever help you when your heart is hurting, I pray you see Him and not me because He is close to the broken hearted.
If my words sooth you, I pray you see Him and not me because His words are honey to the soul.
If you see my heart humble and not proud, I pray you see Him and not me because he humbled himself to be a servant.
If you see me paying it forward, I pray you see Him and not me because He paid the ultimate price.
If you see anything good in me at all, I pray you see Him and not me because He is the source of everything good within me.
I pray you see Him.