My grandma is 90 years old.
Her mind is still sharp.
She is fun and hip, and adored.
But her body is physically old.
She moves slower.
Her hands tremble.
Time has taken a toll on her physically.
But as of today, my 90 year gram has been made new.S. he has become a brand new creation in Christ. We see a 90 year old grandma standing in front of us but in God’s eyes she is fresh and new. At the near end of her life she has become a baby—a baby Christian. Praise God, it is never too late to turn to Him. It is never to late to call out to Him and to be made new. He can change hearts. He brings life from death. He uses the young to teach the old. He can give us ears to hear…it is never too late. How great He is. My ninety year old grandma is now fully prepared to leave this earth.
When she leaves she will stand in the presence of Jesus covered in His righteousness. Today He has made her brand new. As I stood back and watched this beautiful moment today I was in awe of God. I saw how He has had His hand over me for so long. My friend of thirty plus years was there to witness my grandma’s baptism—a friend that prayed for me for fifteen years to accept Christ. Her prayers helped lead me to Christ and I then was able to speak truth into my grandma’s heart. I love how God places the people in our lives that we need. How He knew about this day so long ago. He knew we would be all standing together celebrating His love. My mom’s lifelong friend was also there to witness my grandma’s baptism and she too decided today was the day to give her life to Jesus. My children got to witness their great grandma get baptized…how amazing! What a legacy to leave.
Praise God, for He is so so good.
He is always working!It is never too late to accept Christ!!