Jesus was thinking of me that day He went to calvary.
He was imagining my face, the heaviness of my sin upon Him.
He was in anguish over everything I would ever do in my life—The lies, the cheating, the gossiping, the unforgiveness and bitterness He knew I would have in my heart
He saw every hurtful word I would speak, the temper that would rage, the jealousy, envy and pride.
He saw every bit of me that day, every single broken piece.
Through the sweat, pain and blood—He saw me.
With tears in His eyes He pictured my face and life—peering into what one day would be my heart.
What sorrow that must have caused this beautiful Savior.
My sin was holding Him to that cross, until it took His last breath away.
He saw everything I was, which was everything He was not….and yet He still deemed me worthy.
He knew how many times I would hurt Him and turn my back from Him…and yet He still chose me.
He knew how badly I would mess up things and yet…He still went up on that cross.
As He laid down His life He was thinking about me.
He knew that His blood and His wounds would one day heal me and that this was the only way.
As they mocked Him and stabbed Him, He was thinking of how much He loved me–so much so that He would give up His own life—for me.
My beautiful Savior took my place on that cross so that I could be covered in His righteousness. I did not deserve it, I was not owed anything but He chose to call me worthy.
Hi love overwhelms me and leaves me breathless.
There are literally no words to describe a love like His, He chose to die for me when I was still a sinner and there is absolutely nothing I could ever do to repay Him, nothing could ever be enough.
My heart cries out to Him.
My soul sings for Him.
My very being longs for Him.
There is no greater love.
I will praise His Holy Name for as long as I live and I will share of His goodness—because, friend, He was also thinking of you that day He went to Calvary.