I wonder how many times God looks down upon me and sees me picking up things I am not meant to carry….
The weight of decisions
The weight of motherhood
The weight of fears and worry
The weight of expectations of myself and of others
The weight of uncertainty and the future
I wonder how many times He thinks “When will she learn?” I wonder how many times He looks on with compassion seeing how hard I am gripping to something. Fighting with every breath to hold on to something that seems to be slipping away.
How many times do I make the same mistake over and over? Lifting up things and trying to carry them but all the while complaining my back hurts, tripping and stumbling under the weight and not running to Him instead.
How freeing it is to drop all of it….to let it all fall to the ground.
It smashes next to me as the heaviness drops and breaks.
I can stand up straighter with my eyes fixed on Him.
I can lift up my head and not struggle under the weight.
I can run to Him in freedom because nothing is holding me down.
I can let go of everything that I am not meant to carry—things that are too big, too clunky and too difficult for me to ever pick up in the first place….but I try don’t I?
Time and again, I pick up all of these burdens and I try to do it on my own. A lot of times I don’t even realize I am doing it, until I am almost crushed from the pressure.
I was never made to carry all of these things, I am not strong enough.
But I serve a God who is strong enough.
I serve a God who is waiting for me to hand it all over. He waits patiently each time, watching me and waiting for that moment when I realize what I am doing. And there He always is, with His arms open wide calling out to me…Come.
Come to me.
Let me carry that for you.
It is easy for me.
Come to me, sweet Child, and I will give you the rest you are looking for.
True rest that can only be found in Me.
And in Him I can let it all go, and feel the weight drop off my shoulders and I can find the rest I so desperately need.
In Him I will find what I am looking for, always.